Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows care
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Castor oil is a vegetable oil that is derived from the bean of the castor tree.
The fatty acids that makeup castor oil are believed to be extremely nourishing to the skin and many people report that with regular application, castor oil has helped them to grow thicker, longer eyelashes and eyebrows.
Does it really work?
Yes, it is true, but after the long experience of people who used castor oil, it has been shown that castor oil should not be used alone on any kind of hair, including the eyelashes and eyebrows, but it’s preferred to be mixed with other oils, in order to get a successful and more stable result.
Things to know before you apply castor oil to your eyelashes:
When applying castor oil to your eyelashes, be very careful that it doesn’t get into your eye. In the case that it does, flush your eye with water.
Castor oil is generally regarded as safe. However, some people may have an allergic reaction to castor oil.
It’s recommended to test castor oil on a small area of your skin 24 hours before applying it to your face.
Important Notices: